Category | Topics |
Web Content ManagementQuestions and discussions about the Entando Web Content Management System (WCMS).
Getting StartedThis category includes help for getting started using the Entando platform. Look here for tutorials, guides, and documentation on how to start your Entando journey.
Testing, Deployment, and OperationsTopics related to testing your Entando applications, deploying them to different environments and managing your applications once they are live.
Micro FrontendsQuestions and discussions about micro frontends in general and how micro frontends work in the Entando platform.
Component Generator (JHipster)Post here for questions and discussions on the Entando Component generator powered by JHipster. Including how to extend or change the Entando Blueprint, what is generated, how to generate, and anything related to automating Entando component creation!
Entando Component RepositoryDiscussions about the Entando Component Repository (ECR) and how to create, deploy, and install Entando Bundles using the ECR.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Customizing the PlatformA category about advanced topics in extending the platform. Adding to the App Builder, extending the operator, changing the core, or extending any other aspect of the codebase.
MicroservicesDiscussions and questions about microservices in the Entando architecture and how they are used to deliver Entando apps.
Architecting Apps for EntandoDiscussions about how to design and architect your applications to take maximum advantage of the Entando platform.
AnnouncementsThis category includes announcements about Entando including new releases, updated features, events, and opportunities using the platform.
Contributing to Open SourceThis forum category is for discussions and help related to contributing to the Entando open source projects. As a company is 100% committed to open source and the value of open source software. In this category you can ask about projects, look for help understanding the code, and ask about places to start contributing.