CMS Content - lost html code inside content

I’m here again for a new question…my site it’s v5.0 and use CKeditor in Content settings…

CKEditor don’t have some usefully function inside bar like justify and others adds…so I provide to add necessary code inside by SOURCE window…and will be well in Publish mode…

but, if I edit again my content which has inside that HTML code added, will return in console WITHOUT previewly HTML saved code. In simply I lost all my previewly html code added by SOURCE windows…

How can resolve it ??

hi @ggrisandi,
I know this problem with CKEditor because I’m facing it often when I publish blogs with code snippets on
Basically, CKEditor reformats the text with what it is able to handle. If the feature (code snippet, justify etc…) is not present, the HTML code source is updated to match CKEditor function and so you lose it.

The workaround I use is to disable CKEditor when I want to create or edit the content that contains these such things. Then, I can enable it again when for any other usages.
Be sure to disable it before editing the content because when you open one, Entando automatically saves it, then you have to load a previous version that includes the right elements.

As I remember, you don’t have access to the infra part so you can’t update or change this CKEditor component to make it works as you want.

Format the code outside Entando, disable CKeditor for creating and editing, and past raw HTML versions.

My personal tip, Google doc provides addons to generate HTML from a well-formated document. It can save time.

Mny tnks Anthony as always for your reply…

I’ll try your advice…and you remenber well about infra part…
in any case, if it’s easy for you say which changes I need to do for upgrade cked components…it is welcome…i will try to ask to supplier IT…


p.s. I cannot disable CKed…will return error …

You’re welcome!

Yes, you have to click on the red trash icon in the “Settings Image Crop Dimensions” section. It doesn’t allow empty fields and add one by default when you access the Content Settings page.
Remove it and you are able to save settings to disable CKEditor.

Here in my blue rectangle: