Entando Banking Demo

Hell I am looking to get help with installing the Entando banking Demo so I can take it for a test drive. I have installed all pre Prerequisites and I have installed all 4 bundles. When I go into my Entando Component Repository I see all 4 bundles. When I try to install them however 3 of them fail to install and I get “Installation Failure” the only one that will install is the sd-manage-users. I am not sure if there is something I did wrong. Is there anyone that can help or willing to help that would be amazing.

Thank you,

Hey, Ted.

First, please check the install order noted in the instructions. (That needs to be more obvious in the notes, by the way, and should be corrected soon.) There are some dependencies between the bundles so that’s the most likely reason for an install failure. If that doesn’t do the trick, please check the logs for the component manager pod (kubectl logs cm-deployment-xyz with the actual name of the pod) and let us know what you see.


I did notice the install order and it doesnt matter which order I install them they still fail. Could you by chance help me know how to check the logs you are asking for? I am new to kubernetes.

Thank you

Do you guys have discord I can join for help?

Hey, Ted.

The basic commands you’ll want are kubectl get pods -n entando where -n indicates the namespace, typically entando in a quickstart environment. Then you can identify the pod you’re interested in, cm-deployment is the one for the Component Manager which should have the install errors. Then you can use kubectl logs -n entando to see the logs. Also, it takes a little config but if you don’t have a visualization tool set up, the open source Lens project can be a really nice way to quickly see what’s in your cluster, including easily finding logs, etc. https://k8slens.dev/.

Please feel free to join our community slack space as well here: https://join.slack.com/t/entandocommunity/shared_invite/zt-g609owdv-2K~YRh8zrI6lqlWo4aFWUw. That’s often more interactive.


Ill have to check it out, because i cannot for the life of me get this to work I have been trying for 2 weeks now. Your automatic Entando install doesnt work it gives errors, and i can only get the 6.2 version to install doing the manual install but then i cannot get the banking repositories to install they fail. So this has been a battle and I really want to see this banking work. Is there like a demo site somewhere i can log into before i spend another 2 weeks trying to get this to install correctly?

Hey, Ted. I just chatted you on slack, we can probably continue the conversation there more easily. We don’t have a test drive copy of the Standard Banking Demo available to the public at the moment. Typically once you have Entando installed, setting up the demo is quick so something else must be going on here.
