How to enable the "Integrations" tab in Entando 6.3.2


I’m trying to figure out how to enable the “Integrations” tab in the old admin console (entando-de-app) in Entando 6.3.2, it seems to be disabled.

Is there any way to do so?

Hey, @matteop.

Welcome to the Entando forums! I just wanted to clarify what you’re trying to accomplish. The admin console was deprecated in favor of the App Builder implementation a while back but most of the features available under “Integrations” are available in the App Builder interface. Is there a specific feature or function you’re looking for?


Hi Nathan,
Thank you for your response.

I got a working plugin for Entando 5.3.1 which worked well with the now deprecated Admin Console but I’m having trouble using the old Integrations -> Components -> WidgetName functionality on the new App Builder, so I thought about using the old Admin Console for this part only but I can’t seem to find the “Integrations” menu option anymore despite loading the Admin Console and not the App Builder.


Hi, @matteop.

Thanks for clarifying, that helps. I have a 6.3.0 instance handy with the Admin Console in place and I confirmed the Integrations menu is available there. I didn’t think that changed with 6.3.2 but I’ll try to get an answer for you in a day or two when more of the team is back from an August break.


Hi @matteop,

when you access to the admin console home page, the menu is built in order to always redirect you to the new appbuilder, and this menu does not include the integration item.
If you want to view the old menu (with the integration menu and administration functions managed by the legacy admin console) you have two possibilities:

  • If you have to start the de-app locally with jetty you must set the “appBuilderIntegrationEnabled” parameter to false (the default value is true) in the “src/main/conf/” file
  • If you are working in a cluster you need to add a environment variable in the de-app deployment:
   value: "false"

This parameter does not disable the appbuilder which always remains active in your cluster.

BTW, the legacy admin console is deprecated (as said) so I recommend that you migrate admin functionality to the new appbuilder as much as possible.
